
      Pelikan, a company of long-standing tradition, has been making history for 180 years now. On 28 April 1838, with the release of the first price list for his paint factory, the chemist Carl Hornemann laid the foundation for the success of this world renowned traditional company from Hanover, Germany

      2018 is a special year for us – on 28 April, Pelikan turned 180 and can now look back at a history that is not only very long, but has also been very eventful. It all began long ago when the chemist Carl Hornemann founded a paint and ink factory in Hanover. Business activities were launched with the publication of the first price list on 28 April 1838 – and, with them, the history of a successful brand that is now known all over the world.

      Pelikan brand products are now available in India at

      28 products